1: Defamatory, racist, hateful, pornographic, illegal or insulting content must be avoided on this forum. You must respect the fact that people may have a different opinion than you. If you are in conflict with another member, please use PMs for that, this forum is not an arena!
2: Please, be patient. It's useless to bumup your topic every 2 minutes (see the point "Flood and Off-topic"). Every member of this forum has a private life besides Forumotion, so they can't always respond immediately
3: You must respect the moderators and administrators. They all work voluntarily on this forum and they are human, not machines!
4: If you received advertising, pornographic content or insults by PM, you must send the whole message and a screenshot of that message to a moderator via PM. Posting it in a topic is useless and will only cause conflicts between you and the one who sent you the PM
5: If you don't find your topic, it may have been moved to a more appropriate place. If you are not sure how to find it, click on your username in the "Who is Online ?" section at the bottom of the homepage and go to the "Statistics" tab of your profile. There you can do a quick search of all the posts or topics you recently made.
6: Do not moderate other members. Moderating is reserved for staff members only.
7: We have warning levels.. You have 3 chances.. Use them wisely..
8: Hacking is not allowed on the forum.. If you are caught posting hacked games, hacked links for game's, You will be banned instantly..
9: Please do not spam PM any Staff members about being a moderator or any legend we have.. Will result in a warning.
10: If you are banned.. Do not make a new account and complain.. Go to our support chat and contact a Owner or Moderator to be unbanned.. If you don't get unbanned then thats it.. If you get a 2+ Day ban.. You may ask to be unbanned sooner!
We will have more rules to come!